We aim to publish our research findings and disseminate data to contribute to larger conversations. Below, please find a year-by-year summary of published works from R&E Group researchers and evaluators. Citations from 2009 and earlier can be found in the accordion dropdowns at the bottom of the page.
Lent, M.R., McCalmont, T.R., Short, M.M., & Dugosh, K.L. (2024) Changes in health-related quality of life over the first three months of medical marijuana use. J Cannabis Res 6, 36. doi: 10.1186/s42238-024-00245-9
Bien-Gund, C. H., Sarbaugh, M., Perrine, L., Dugosh, K., Gross, R., & Fishman, J. (2024). Salient beliefs related to secondary distribution of COVID-19 self-test kits within social networks. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1337745. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1337745
Sosinsky, L. S., & Gilliam, W. S. (2024). Child care: How pediatricians can support children and families. In R. M. Kliegman, & J. W. St Geme (Eds.), Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (22 ed., pp. 183-195). Philadelphia: Elsevier.
Klein, G. D., Bryer, E., & Harkins-Schwarz, M. (2023). Generating data to facilitate more equitable distribution of health resources: an illustration of how local health surveys can identify probable need in mixed socio-economic regions. Public Health, 217, 155-163. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2023.01.033
Dugosh, K. L., Short, M. M., Syracuse, P., McCalmont, T. R., & Lent, M. R. (2023). Anxiety severity and prescription medication utilization in first-time medical marijuana users. Journal of Affective Disorder Reports, 14. doi: 10.1016/j.jadr.2023.100671
Dugosh, K. L., Lipkin, J. L., Flack, D. J., DeMatteo, D., & Festinger, D. S. (2023). Key Considerations for Pre-arrest Diversion Programs. In D DeMatteo, & K. C. Scherr (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Psychology and Law. Oxford: Oxford Academic Press.
Dugosh, K. L., Lent, M. R., Burkley, S. B., Millard, C. M. K., McKay, J. R., & Kampman, K. M. (in press). Non-opioid substance use among patients who recently initiated office-based buprenorphine treatment. Journal of Addiction Medicine.
Festinger, D., Dugosh, K., Callahan, H., & Hough, R. (2023). Informed Consent to Research. In A. Nichols & J. Edlund (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Research Methods and Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences: Volume 1: Building a Program of Research (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 202-223). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781009010054.011
Lent, M.R., Gaither-Hardy, D., Favor, K.E., Harris, D., Cos, T. A., Millard, C., Kone, Z., Van Riper, A., & Dugosh, K. L. (2023). The development, implementation and early learnings of a training program to advance interest in behavioral research careers among undergraduate BIPOC students majoring in psychology. BMC Medical Education, 23:160. doi:10.1186/s12909-023-04104-8
Miller-Day, M., Craw, E., Harris, D., & Hecht, M. L. (2022) Men’s stories: An account of translating vaccine decision narratives from young men in the U.S. into a targeted public health intervention. Journal of Applied Communication Research. doi:10.1080/00909882.2022.2099228
Gesser, N., LaPollo, A. B., Peters, A. J., Weiland, D., Belenko, S. & Perron, L. (2022). “To be part of the fully functional team, there need to be clear roles.”: Peer recovery specialists provide benefits to drug court despite role challenges. Journal for Advancing Justice, 4, 23-51.
Graham, C., Keith, J., Shanker, A., Aussendorf, M., & Suppes, K. (2022). Utilizing state level risk factor data to analyze COVID-19. In Swan, W. (Ed.), COVID-19, the LGBTQIA+ Community, and Public Policy (Chapter 17). Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9781032219585
Al-Uqdah, L., Franklin, F. A., Chiu, C. C., & Boyd, B. N. (2022). Associations between social media engagement and vaccine hesitancy. Journal of Community Health, 47(4), 577-587. doi:10.1007/s10900-022-01081-9
Buonomano, L. S., Mitnick, M. M., McCalmont, T. R., Syracuse, P., Dugosh, K. L., Festinger, D. S., & Lent, M. R. (2022). Clinical characteristics and quality of life in adults initiating medical marijuana treatment. Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids, 5(1), 95-101. doi:10.1159/000524831
Lent, M. R., Visek, M., Syracuse, P., Dugosh, K. L., & Festinger, D. S. (2022). Weight stability in adults with obesity initiating medical marijuana treatment for other medical conditions. Journal of cannabis research, 4(1), 1-4. doi:10.1186/s42238-022-00157-6
Tripicchio, G. L., Kay, M., Herring, S., Cos, T., Bresnahan, C., Gartner, D., Sosinsky, L. S., & Bass, S. B. (2021). Development and preliminary feasibility of iByte4Health: A mobile health (mHealth) pediatric obesity prevention intervention to engage parents with low-income of children 2–9 years. Nutrients, 13(12), 4240. doi:10.3390/nu13124240
Cos, T. A., Starbird, L. E., Lee, H., Chun, B., Gonnella, K., Bird, J., Livsey, K., Bastos, S., O’Brien, M., Clark, I., Jenkins, D., & Tavolaro-Ryley, L. (2021). Expanding access to nurse-managed medication for opioid use disorder. Nursing Outlook, 69(5), 848-855. doi:10.1016/j.outlook.2021.03.012
Belenko, S., LaPollo, A. B., Gesser, N., Weiland, D., Perron, L., & Johnson, I. D. (2021). Augmenting substance use treatment in the drug court: A pilot randomized trial of peer recovery support. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 131, 108581. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2021.108581
Bien-Gund, C., Dugosh, K., Acri, T., Brady, K., Thirumurthy, H., Fishman, J., & Gross, R. (2021). Factors associated with US public motivation to use and distribute COVID-19 self-tests. JAMA Network Open, 4(1), e2034001-e2034001. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.34001
Bien-Gund, C. H., Shah, J., Ho, J. I., Stephens-Shields, A., Shea, K., Fishman, J.,...Dugosh, K., & Gross, R. (2021). The COVID-19 Self-Testing through Rapid Network Distribution (C-STRAND) trial: A randomized controlled trial to increase COVID-19 testing in underserved populations. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 106585. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2021.106585
Arrington-Sanders, R., Hailey-Fair, K., Wirtz, A,, Cos, T., Galai, N,. Brooks, D.,...Celentano, D. (2020). Providing unique support for health study among young black and latinx men who have sex with men and young black and latinx transgender women living in 3 urban cities in the United States: Protocol for a coach-based mobile-enhanced randomized control trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(9). doi:10.2196/17269
Curran-Groome, W., Klein, G., Miller, S.B., et al. (2020). Risk factors of recurrent falls among older adults admitted to the trauma surgery department. Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation, 11. doi:10.1177/2151459320943165
Cos, T. A., LaPollo, A. B., Aussendorf, M., Williams, J. M., Malayter, K., & Festinger, D. S. (2020). Do peer recovery specialists improve outcomes for individuals with substance use disorder in an integrative primary care setting? A program evaluation. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings, 27(4), 704-715. doi:10.1007/s10880-019-09661-z
Ernst, A., Lee, N., & Karamanian, V. (2020). Building a policy: Ten steps to a breastfeeding-friendly shelter. Journal of Human Lactation, 36(4). doi:10.1177/0890334420935822
Kang, N., Patrick, M., Williams, F. et al.(2020). Using technology to support expectant and parenting youth through case management: Lessons learned in the field. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 24, 200–206. doi:10.1007/s10995-020-02952-0
Karamanian, V., Zepka, B., Ernst, A., West, C., Grode, G., & Miller, C. (2020). Goal-setting program improves nutrition and physical activity among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligible adults. Public Health Nutrition, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S1368980019004518
Thompson, K., Cramer, R., LaPollo, A. B., Hubbard, S. H., Chesson, H. W., & Leichliter, J. S. (2020). Using mixed methods and multidisciplinary research to strengthen policy assessments focusing on populations at high risk for sexually transmitted diseases. Public Health Reports, 135(1_suppl), 32S-37S. doi:10.1177/0033354920931832
Bartholomew, T.S., Grosgebauer, K., Huynh, K., & Cos, T. (2019). Integration of Hepatitis C treatment in a primary care federally qualified health center; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2015-2017. Infectious Diseases: Research and Treatment, 12. doi:10.1177/1178633719841381
Cramer, R., Hexem, S., Thompson, K., LaPollo, A. B., Chesson, H. W., & Leichliter, J. S. (2019). State policies in the United States impacting drug-related convictions and their consequences in 2015. Drug Science, Policy and Law, 5. doi:10.1177/2050324519863491
Ernst, A. (2019). Breaking down silos for an integrated approach to tobacco prevention and control in Pennsylvania. Insights in Chronic Disease, 2(17). Retrieved from https://chronicdisease.org/page/insights2019/.
Zepka, B., Anis, M., Keith, J., Barksdale, D., & Rivera, C. (2019). Using geographic information systems to highlight diabetes prevention program expansion areas in Pennsylvania. Prevention Chronic Disease, 16. doi:10.5888/pcd16.180493
Festinger, D. S., Dugosh, K. L., Choi, E., & Sierka, C. (2019). Issues in informed consent. In J. E. Edlund & A. L. Nichols (Eds.), Advanced Research Methods for the Social Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sunshine, G., Thompson, K., Menon, A.N., Anderson, N., Penn, M., & Koonin, L.M. (2019). An assessment of state laws providing gubernatorial authority to remove legal barriers to emergency response. Health Security, 17(2), 156-161. doi:10.1089/hs.2018.0126
Joseph, H.A., Pan, Y., Mendoza, M. et al. (2018). HIV acquisition and transmission potential among African American men who have sex with men and women in three U.S. cities. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 47, 183–194. doi:10.1007/s10508-017-1052-z
Keith, J., Kang, N., Bodden, M., Miller, C., Karamanian, V., & Banks, T. (2018). Supporting Latina breast health with community-based navigation. Journal of Cancer Education. doi:10.1007/s13187-018-1351-7
Festinger, D. S., Dugosh, K. L., & Della Porta, J. M. (2018). Examining the use of visual performance feedback in drug treatment court. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 26(1), 85-93. PMCID: PMC5843990
Dugosh, K. L., Festinger, D. S., & Burkley, S. B. (2018). Psychosocial approaches to opioid use disorder treatment. In M. T. Compton & M. W. Manseau (Eds.) Opioid Addiction: An American Crisis (in press). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
Coatsworth, J.D., Hemady, K.T.,& George, M.W. (2017). Predictors of group leaders’ perceptions of parents’ initial and dynamic engagement in a family preventive intervention. Prevention Science, special issue on participation. doi:10.1007/s11121-017-0781-5
Curran-Groome, W., & Atkinson, A. (2017). Best Practices in Early Care and Education for Young Children Experiencing Homelessness. Public Health Management Corporation.
Lauby, J., Zhu, L., Milnamow, M., Batson, H., Bond, L., Curran-Groome, W., & Carson, L. (2017). Get real: Evaluation of a community-level HIV prevention intervention for young MSM who engage in episodic substance use. AIDS Education and Prevention, 29(3), pp. 191-204. doi:10.1521/aeap.2017.29.3.191
Bryant-Stephens, T., West, C., McGinnis, S., Gutierrez,M., Beidas, R., Kenyon, C.,...Hui, A. (2017). Understanding the problem and designing a comprehensive intervention to reduce asthma disparities. Retrieved from https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2017.195.1_MeetingAbstracts.A2234?role=tab
Cramer, R., Hexem, S., LaPollo, A., Cuffe, K. M., Chesson, H. W., & Leichliter, J. S. (2017). State and local policies related to sexual orientation in the United States. Journal of Public Health Policy, 38(1), 58-79. doi:10.1057/s41271-016-0037-9
Kirby, K. C., Benishek, L. A., Kerwin, M. E., Dugosh, K. L., Carpenedo, C. M., Bresani, E.,...Meyers, R. J. (2017). Analyzing components of Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT): Is treatment entry training sufficient?. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 31(7), 818-827. PMCID: PMC5690811
Runarsdottir, V., Hansdottir, I., Tyrfingsson, T., Einarsson, M., Dugosh, K., Royer-Malvestuto, C.,...Woody, G. E. (2017). Extended-release injectable naltrexone (XR-NTX) with intensive psychosocial therapy for amphetamine-dependent persons seeking treatment: a placebo-controlled trial. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 11(3), 197-204. PMCID: PMC5449233
Begley, E.B., Ware, J.M., Hexem, S.A., Rapposelli, K., Thompson, K., Penn, M.S., & Aquino, G.A. (2017). Personally identifiable information in state laws: Use, release, and collaboration at health departments. American Journal of Public Health, 107(8),1272-1276. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2017.303862
Bamberger, K. T. (2016). The application of intensive longitudinal methods to investigate change: Stimulating the field of applied family research. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 19, 21-38. doi:10.1007/s10567-015-0194-6
Brooks, A. C., Chambers, J. E., Lauby, J., Byrne, E., Carpenedo, C. M., Benishek, L. A., Medvin, R., Metzger, D. S., & Kirby, K. C. (2016) Implementation of a brief treatment counseling toolkit in federally qualified healthcare centers: Patient and clinician utilization and satisfaction. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 60, 70-80. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2015.08.005
Cramer, R., Hexem, S., LaPollo, A., Cuffe, K.M., Chesson, H.W., & Leichliter, J.S. (2016). State and Local Policies Related to Sexual Orientation in the United States. Journal of Public Health Policy. doi:10.1057/s41271-016-0037-9
Dugosh, K. L., Abraham, A., Seymour, B., McLoyd, K., Chalk, M., & Festinger, D. S. (2016) A systematic review on the use of psychosocial interventions in conjunction with medications for the treatment of opioid addiction. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 10(2), 91-101. doi:10.1097/ADM.0000000000000193
Dugosh, K. L., Festinger, D. S., & Lipkin, J. L. (2016) Identifying and addressing the unmet health care needs of drug court clients. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 71, 30-35. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2016.08.017
Elreda, L. M., Coatsworth, J. D., Gest, S. D., Ram, N., & Bamberger, K. (2016). Understanding Process in Group-Based Intervention Delivery: Social Network Analysis and Intra-entity Variability Methods as Windows into the “Black Box.” Prevention Science, 17, 925-936. doi:10.1007/s11121-016-0699-3
Lien, R., Schillo, B. A., Mast, J. L., Lukowski, A. V., Greenseid, L. O; Keith, J. D. & Keller, P. A. (2016). Tobacco user characteristics and outcomes related to intensity of quitline program use: Results from Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 22(5), E36-E46. doi:10.1097/PHH.0000000000000382
Murrill, C. S., Bingham, T., Lauby, J., Liu, K., Wheeler, D., Carballo-Dieguez, A., Marks, G., & Millett, G. A. (2016). Respondent-driven sampling in a multi-site study of Black and Latino men who have sex with men. Journal of the National Medical Association, 108(1), 69-76. doi:10.1016/j.jnma.2015.12.009
Cronholm, P. F., Forke, C. M., Wade, R., Bair-Merritt, M. H., Davis, M., Harkins-Schwarz, M., Pachter, L. M., & Fein, J. A.. (2015). Adverse childhood experiences: Expanding the concept of adversity. Am. J. Prev. Med., 49(3), 354-361. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2015.02.001
Bryant-Stephens, T., West, C. G., & Klein, G. (2015). Impact of a multi-trigger intervention on seasonal patterns of asthma symptoms in inner city children. Journal of Asthma, 52(6), 565-570. doi:10.3109/02770903.2014.991968
Coatsworth, J. D., Duncan, L. G., Nix, R. L., Greenberg, M. T., Gayles, J. G., Bamberger, K. T., Berrena, E., & Demi, M. A. (2015). Integrating mindfulness with parent training: Effects of the Mindfulness-enhanced Strengthening Families Program. Developmental Psychology, 51, 26-35.
Fosco, G.M., Bumbarger, B., & Bamberger, K.T. (2015). Thinking systematically for enduring family change. In M.J. Van Ryzin, K. Kumpfer, G.M. Fosco, & M.T. Greenberg (Eds.) Family-Centered Prevention Programs for Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Large-Scale Dissemination (pp. 308-328). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis/Psychology Press.
Henderson, K. E., Grode, G. M., O’Connell, M. L., & Schwartz, M. B. (2015). Environmental factors associated with physical activity in childcare centers. The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12(43), 1-9.
Rifkin, R., Williams, L. A., Grode, G. M., & Roberts-Johnson, W. A. (2015). Enhanced evaluation data initiates a collaborative out-of-school time food sponsors work group. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 21, S106-S109.
Sherman, S.B., Grode, G.M., McCoy, T., Vander Veur, S.S., Wojtanowski, A., Foster, G.D., & Sandoval, B.A. (2015). Urban Youth's Perspectives on Corner Stores. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(2), 242-248.
Smith, D., Kuzla, N., Thorpe, J., Scott, L., & Ersek, M. (2015). Exploring Nonresponse Bias in the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Bereaved Family Survey. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 18(10), 858-864.
Thorpe, J., Smith, D., Kuzla, N., Scott, L., & Ersek, M. (2015). Does Mode of Survey Administration Matter? Using Measurement Invariance to Validate the Mail and Telephone Versions of the Bereaved Family Survey. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, DOI:10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2015.11.006.
Bamberger, K., Coatsworth, J.D., Fosco, G.M., & Ram, N. (2014). Change in participant engagement during a family-based preventive intervention: Ups and downs with time and tension. Journal of Family Psychology, 28, 811-820.
Coatsworth, J. D., Duncan, L. G., Berrena, E., Bamberger, K.T., Loeschinger, D. T., Greenberg, M. T. & Nix, R. L. (2014). The Mindfulness-enhanced Strengthening Families Program: Integrating brief mindfulness activities and parent training within an evidence-based prevention program. New Directions in Youth Development, 142: Mindfulness in Adolescence, 45-58.
Keith, J., Kleiner, L.R., LaPollo, A.B., & Kotranski, L. (2014). Research, Evaluation, and Assessment as Key Strategic Engagements in the Nonprofit Health and Human Services Sector. T. Hansen-Turten & M. Mortell (Eds.). Making Strategy Count in the Health and Human Services Sector: Lessons Learned from 20 Organizations and Chief Strategy Officers. (pp.175-186). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Tauras, J.A., Chaloupka, F.J., Keith, J.D., Brown, D.P., & Meyer, J.B. (2014). Economic Impact of a Noncomprehensive Smoke-Free Air Law. Health Promotion Practice, 15, 521.
Brooks, A.C., Carpenedo, C.M., Fairfax-Columbo, J., Clements, N.T., Benishek, L.A., Knoblach, D., Carise, D., & Kirby, K.C. (2013) The RoadMAP Relapse Prevention Group Counseling Toolkit™: Counselor adherence and competence outcomes. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 45(4):356-62.
Han, C.-S., Rutledge, S.E., Bond, L., Lauby, L., & LaPollo, A.B. (2013). You’re Better Respected When You Carry Yourself as a Man: Black Men’s Personal Accounts of the Down Low “Lifestyle.” Sexuality and Culture, 18, 89-102.
Hansen-Turton, T., Ware, J., Bond, L., Doria, N., & Cunningham, P. (2013). Are Managed Care Organizations in the United States Impeding the Delivery of Primary Care by Nurse Practitioners? A 2012 Update on Managed Care Organization Credentialing and Reimbursement Practices. Population Health Management, 16(5), 306-309.
Jeffries, W.L. 4th, Marks, G., Lauby, J., Murrill, C.S., Millett, G.A. (2013). Homophobia is associated with sexual behavior that increases risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV infection among black men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior, 17(4), 1442-1453.
LaPollo, A.B., Bond, L., & Lauby, J. (2013). Hypermasculinity and Sexual Risk among Black and White Men who have Sex with Men and Women. American Journal of Men’s Health. Sage Publications, Inc. DOI:10.1177/1557988313512861
White, W.L., Weingartner, R.M., Levine, M., Evans, A.C., & Lamb, R. (2013). Recovery Prevalence and Health Profile of People in Recovery: Results of a Southeastern Pennsylvania Survey on the Resolution of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 45(4), 287-296.
Wilcox, M. J., Campbell, P. H., Fortunato, L., & Hoffman, J. (2013). A first look at early intervention and early childhood providers’ reports of assistive technology reuse. Journal of Special Education Technology, 28, 47-58.
Bryant-Stephens, T., West, C., Dirl, C., Banks, T., Briggs, V., & Rosenthal, M. (2012). Asthma Prevalence in Philadelphia: Description of Two Community-Based Methodologies to Assess Asthma Prevalence in an Inner-City Population. Journal of Asthma, 49(6), 581-585. DOI:10.3109/02770903.2012.690476
Feldman, J., Feighan, K., Kirtcheva, E., & Heeren, E. (2012). “Aiming high: Exploring the influence of implementation fidelity and cognitive demand levels on struggling readers’ literacy outcomes.” Journal of Classroom Interaction, 47(1), 4-13.
Lauby, J.L., Marks, G., Bingham, T., Liu, K.L., Liau, A., Stueve, A., & Millett, G. A. (2012). Having Supportive Social Relationships is Associated with Reduced Risk of Unrecognized HIV Infection Among Black and Latino Men who have Sex with Men. AIDS and Behavior, 16(3), 508-515.
Núñez, A.E., Robertson-James, C., Reels, S., Weingartner, R.M., & Bungy, B.L. (2012). Conducting a needs assessment for women and girls using a gender analysis framework: the Philadelphia Ujima coalition for a healthier community experience. Women’s Health Issues. 22(6), 527-534. DOI: 10.1016/j.whi.2012.08.002.
Glidden, L. M., Bamberger, K., Draheim, A., & Kersh, J. (2011). Parent and athlete perceptions of Special Olympics participation: The utility and danger of proxy responding. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 49, 37-45.
Henderson, K.E., Grode, G.M., Bellenger, A.E., Kenney, E.L., & Schwartz, M.B. (2011). Validity of a Measure to Assess the Child Care Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment. Journal of American Dietetic Association, 111, 306-1313.
Joseph, H., Marks, G., Belcher, F., Millett, G, Stueve, A., Bingham, T.A., Lauby, & J. (2011). Older partner selection, sexual risk behaviour and unrecognised HIV infection among black and Latino men who have sex with men. Sexually Transmitted Infection, 87(5), 442-447.
Mansfield, C., Viswanathan, M., Woodell, C., Nourani, V., Ohadike,Y.U., Lesch, J.K....& West, C. (2011). Outcomes From a Cross-Site Evaluation of a Comprehensive Pediatric Asthma Initiative Incorporating Translation of Evidence-Based Interventions. Health Promotion Practice, 12, 20S-33S. DOI:10.1177/1524839911412595
Millett, G. A., Ding, H. Marks, G. Jeffries, W., Bingham, T., Lauby, J....& Stueve, A. (2011). Mistaken Assumptions and Missed Opportunities: Correlates of Undiagnosed HIV Infection Among Black and Latino Men Who Have Sex With Men. JAIDS, 58, 64-71.
Andreyeva, T., Long, M.W., Henderson, K.E., & Grode, G.M. (2010). Trying to Lose Weight: Diet Strategies among Overweight or Obese Americans in 1996 and 2003. Journal of American Dietetic Association, 110, 535-542.
Carlos, J.A., Bingham, T.A., Stueve, A., Lauby, J., Ayala, G., Millett, G.A., & Wheeler, D. (2010). The Role of Peer Support on Condom Use among Black and Latino Men who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Three Urban Areas. AIDS Education and Prevention, 22, 430-444.
Coughey, K., Klein, G., West, C., Diamond, J.J., Santana, A., McCarville, E., & Rosenthal, M.P. (2010). The Child Asthma Link Line: A Coalition-initiated, Telephone-based, Care Coordination Intervention for Childhood Asthma. Journal of Asthma, 47(3), 303-309.
Garrigan, P., Fortunato, L., & LaSala, A. (2010). The Effects of Closure on Contour Shape Learning. Journal of Vision, 10(7), 11-67.
Glidden, L. M., Bamberger, K., Turek, K., & Hill, K. (2010). Predicting mother/father-child interaction: Parental personality and well-being, socioeconomic variables, and child disability status. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 23, 3-13
Han, C.-S., Lauby, J., Bond, L., LaPollo, A.B., & Rutledge, S.E. (2010). Magic Johnson Doesn't Worry About How to Pay for Medicine: Experiences of Black Men Who Have Sex with Men Living with HIV. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 12(4), 387-399.
Joshi, R., Keith, J.D., Waltz, M., Williams, M.L. (2010). The Effect of Smoking on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Counter Detail - The Educational Difference, 3. Lauby, J. L., Batson H., & Milnamow, M. (2010). Effects of drug use on sexual risk behavior: Results of an HIV outreach and education program. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 7, 88-102.
Lauby, J.L., LaPollo, A.B., Herbst, J.H., Painter, T.M., Batson, H., Pierre, A., & Milnamow, M. (2010). Preventing AIDS through Live Movement and Sound (PALMS): Efficacy of a theater-based HIV prevention intervention delivered to high-risk male adolescents in juvenile justice settings. AIDS Education and Prevention, 22(5), 402-416.
Marks, G., Millett, G.A., Bingham, T., Lauby, J., Murrill, C.S., & Stueve, A. (2010). Prevalence and Protective Value of Serosorting and Strategic Positioning Among black and Latino Men Who Have Sex With Men. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 37(5).
Painter, T.M., Ngalame, P., Lucas, B, Lauby, J., & Herbst, J. (2010). Strategies Used by Community-Based Organizations to Evaluate Their Locally Developed HIV Prevention Interventions: Lessons Learned from CDC’s Innovative Interventions Project. AIDS Education and Prevention, 22, 387-401.
Click on the years below to view older publications.